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Project Results

Project Result 1 Benchmarking Report

The Benchmarking Report is the result of a desk and field research carried out in the partner countries.
This Framework results by the combination of research on related literature regarding ESD key competences development of teachers at the local, regional, and EU levels (academic articles,relevant data/statistics, national reports, etc), a collection of ESDkey competence models and contexts for teachers already developed nationally, in European levels and/or internationally and a field research carried out in the 6 partner countries on pre- and in-service teachers on the key competences they need to develop for effective ESD (online focus group and/or a structured questionnaire to reduce the carbon footprint, since participants will not travel to reach the organisations’ premises).

Read more here.

Download framework report: 

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Project Result 3
Role- play game

Competences 4ESD role play game will follow the principles of Serious Games, to be used to transfer knowledge and cultivate the participant’s cognitive skills, while at the same time being easy to use by the end-user, and as less language-dependent as possible in order to facilitate usage by an increased number of end-users (learners). The Competneces4ESD educational role-play game will contain: - A Rulebook (translated into all partner languages) - Components Bundle in PDF format, for a quick and easy print, cut, and play process - A how-to-play video, to further ease understanding (subtitles in all partner languages) - Guidelines on using this R Impact: When the learning process is enhanced by Board games, it becomes more motivating, engaging, and fun as is their nature.
In addition, educational activities which involve physical participation are known to allow for quicker absorption of information.

Read more here.

Download Print and Play cards: 

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Download Trainers Guide:

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Download Short Game Rules:

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Project Result 2
Training Course

The training course will be the first step towards the development of a complete ESD key competences training model for teachers, which will be based on project's research and will establish that all necessary areas identified in the Framework are effectively taken into consideration and addressed.

The training course will have the form of a modular course, starting with the development of the curriculum, and followed by the learning outcomes and training design, the educational methodologies to be used, the list of modules analysed in a comprehensive way, and the training materials/activities per module, important resources, assessment tools, etc, all carefully designed and constructed for VET trainers to train the target group (pre- and in- service teachers) on how to develop their key competences to effectively teach ESD in their schools. The training modules will result by the Framework and will focus on the basic key competences that R1has revealed as needs for teachers to contribute to sustainable development of learners through their teaching processes.

The training course will encourage blended learning, through the combination of face-to-face and online learning (the e-Learning platform of the project).


Read more here.


Download training modules: 

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Project Result 4
E-Learning Platform

The Competences4ESD e-learning platform will be the online training and learning tool, which will engage all learners, especially those who face obstacles to attend the face-to-face trainings (i.e. geographical, cultural, social).
It will include a user-friendly environment, in which VET trainers, teachers (pre- and in-service teachers), and all interested stakeholders will interact with the learning materials developed during the project implementation.

Read more here. 

Enter the training course: 

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The website was edited and developed in the frame Erasmus+ KA220-VET - Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training 2021-1-PL01-KA220-VET-000033148


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.


This document is a collaborative work developed by the partners of the Erasmus+ project Competences4ESD: An innovative ESD Key Competences Training Model for teachers in the frames of the 4SDG - Quality Education for ALL. It is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).


To view the full license, visit: -nc-sa/4.0/ .

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